Quas molestias excepturi

Quas molestias excepturi

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum...

Quas molestias excepturi
Impedit quo minus id

Impedit quo minus id

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum...

Impedit quo minus id
Voluptates repudiandae kon

Voluptates repudiandae kon

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum...

Voluptates repudiandae kon
Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum...

Mauris euismod rhoncus tortor

Tuesday 6 November 2012

280 mg per Capsule
Vital White is a premium health supplement manufactured from Japan that helps promote glowing white skin, prevents fast aging and cleanses the body with its anti-oxidant components.
INGREDIENTS: Coated Yeast Extract (L-Cysteine Peptide YH-12), Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Alpha Lipoic Acid (L-ornithine), Calcium Stearate Silicon Oxide Fine, Crystalline Cellulose, Catechin (Green Tea Extract).
A superior product with combination of four Powerful Super-components packed in a clear VEGGIE CAPSULE:
L-cysteine peptide – the glutathione booster
1. The Guardian of the cell against the damaging free radicals brought about by continuous exposure to airborne pollutants, UV rays from the sun, chemical-environmental pollutants, food preservatives, alcoholic beverages, nicotine from cigarette smoking, stress and ill-effects of overeating, etc.
2. As we grow old and become exposed to an array of health hazards, production of Glutathione is greatly reduced, hence,  we need to supplement.
3. The benefits of abundant Glutathione inside the cell are:
* Breaks down Toxins and Cancer-causing substances
* Strengthens Immunity
* Prevents Cell Damage
* Enhancing and Whitening Effects to the Skin
* Faster Wound Healing
* Prevents High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease and Diabetes
L-cysteine peptide when combined with the following, will further enhance its beneficial effects  (known as Synergy)
Alpha Lipoic Acid – it helps turn blood sugar into energy
1.  As an Antioxidant, kills free radicals
2. May lower the Bad Cholesterol (known as LDL)
3. Can reduce Nerve Damage due to Diabetes
Catechins – an Antioxidant
1. May decrease risk of Heart Disease
2. Can Lower Fat Deposits in the blood vessels
3. Can assist in Weight Control
4. May reduce Inflammation and Infection
5. Can inhibit Cancer Invasion
Vitamin C – Sodium Ascorbate
1. An important  cofactor in vital chemical reactions in the body
2. Scavenges free radicals
3. Aids in formation of Collagen, a component of the skin and other connective tissues
RECOMMENDATION: Take two tablets daily or as directed by your Healthcare Physician.
Exclusively Manufactured for Vital C Health Products, Inc. by:
3-8-36 Toyoda, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 4228027 Japan
Posted by illbeyour

350 mg per Tablet
INGREDIENTS: Vitamin P, Beer Yeast (ZINC 10%), Beer Yeast (Chromium 0.2%), Cellulose Powder, Sucrose Esters, Beer Yeast (Selenium 0.2%), Beer Yeast (Iron 5%), Dolomite, Lactose, Beer Yeast (Copper 5%), Kelp Powder, Beer Yeast (Manganese 5%), Beer Yeast (Molybdenum 0.2%)

Vitamin P

1. P stands for permeability, to promote good blood circulation in the small blood vessels called capillaries,  thereby, preventing bleeding and bruising
2. It is essential for the absorption of Vitamin C
3. It prolongs the action of Vitamin C
4. It can enhance resistance to infection
5. Can have anti-Cancer and antioxidant effects
6. Can lower blood pressure

Vital P Plus also contains minerals namely:

1. Is essential for normal growth and development
2. It is important for the production of cells of the immune system
3. Has antioxidant effects
4. Can protect against prostate cancer
5. It is a constituent of blood sugar lowering substance called Insulin
1. Has antioxidant and anti-Cancer effects
2. Can prevent heart disease
3. Can reduce risk of prostate cancer
4. Presence of Vitamin C maintains the level of selenium in the body
1. Important in the formation of red blood cells that deliver oxygen to different parts of the body
2. Presence of Vitamin C increases absorption of iron
1. It stimulates fatty acid production for brain function and development
2. It regulates blood sugar level
3. Can stimulate conversion of fats, carbohydrates, proteins into energy
1. It is needed to help the body use Iron
2. It is important for red blood cell formation, nerve function, bone growth
3. Works with Vitamin C to form elastin, a kind of connective tissue
4. It helps in regulating blood sugar level
5. It is needed to make ATP, the energy currency of all cells
6. Has antioxidant effects
7. Can ease symptoms of Arthritis
1. It supports the immune system, blood sugar balance, bone growth, energy production, protein and fatty acid metabolism
2. It has antioxidant functions, to neutralize free radicals
3. It is needed for the production of collagen
4. It is important for the synthesis of DNA and RNA
1. It is required for proper growth and development
2. Involved in the formation of bone, cartilage, blood cells
3. Helps in detoxification of the liver
4. Plays a role in fat metabolism
RECOMMENDATION: Take two tablets daily or as directed by your Healthcare Physician. Two tablets makes 90mg of Vitamin P per day.
Exclusively Manufactured for Vital C Health Products, Inc. by:
3-8-36 Toyoda, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 4228027 Japan
Posted by illbeyour

220 mg per Tablet

Lactid Acid EC-12, Fructooligosaccharide, CoQ-10, Sodium Ascorbate (Vitamin C), Reduced Maltose, Glutinous Starch Syrup, Cellulose, Calcium Stearate, Agar
Vital Life is a superior product made with four element combination to bring:
- A Stronger Immunity against infection
- Healthier Digestion
- Improvement in life and Well-being

Vital Life is composed of:

1. Or Enterococcus faecalis
2. It enhances immunity  and digestion by maintaining a healthy gut flora.
3. One tablet taken can modify and strengthen our natural immunity.  Compared to some beverage products where 25 bottles should be taken to produce the same result.
Coenzyme Q 10
1. Is an Antioxidant that protects cell from cell damage that may be caused by free radicals
2. Can benefit people suffering from chest pain, heart disease and high blood pressure
3. It can also improve Migraine headache and Parkinson’s disease
1. Is a probiotic sugar that promotes healthy gut flora
2. Prevents traveller’s diarrhea
Vitamin C – Sodium Ascorbate
1. Boosts our immune system
2. An important  cofactor in vital chemical reactions in the body
3. Scavenges free radicals
4. Aids in formation of Collagen, a component of the skin and other connective tissues
RECOMMENDATION: Take two tablets daily or as directed by your Healthcare Physician.
Exclusively Manufactured for Vital C Health Products, Inc. by:
3-8-36 Toyoda, Suruga-ku, Shizuoka 4228027 Japan
Posted by illbeyour

“Dare to defy aging”
The signs of aging may be written on your face but if you look more carefully, the problem goes skin deep. Aside from common complaints like wrinkles, dull complexion and sagging skin, the ravages of time may manifest in other ways. Your hair and nails might become more brittle. Wounds would start to heal slower. Joints and muscles would begin to ache more often. The pain of osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint disease caused by the breakdown and loss of cartilage, would keep you from leading a more active lifestyle. The onset of fatigue would come sooner that suddenly, you’re tired for most of the day. Your energy drops and your confidence follows suit. Eventually, you will be left to wonder where your youthful vibrancy went.
These telltale signs of aging may appear when the body decreases collagen production. Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes up the support system for several body tissues such as bones, tendons, cartilage, muscles, skin and various organs like kidneys. It provides our body tissues form, strength and flexibility. Collagen is crucial in maintain the external structure of cells. It encourages bone health, strengthens the blood vessels and cartilage, and preserves skin elasticity, thus promoting smooth, tight and supple skin.
Collagen is a naturally occurring bodily component that we produce in abundance when we are young. Hence, youthful skin is wrinkle-free, firm and elastic. But as we get older, our body’s ability to manufacture collagen slows down. And like most things, collagen is subject to wear and tear. It breaks down over time, and as we age, our body’s ability to replace lost or damaged collagen is reduced and more irregularities and complications develop. Studies show that from 25 years old onwards, collagen reduces at a rate of 1.5%, taking into account the effects of diet, lifestyle and pollution which speed the reduction even further.
Scientists have been trying to unlock the secrets of aging for years. Among their findings show that replenishing the level of collagen in the body can help delay the aging process. Proper, safe and effective supplementation may compensate for collagen loss, thus promoting a more youthful appearance and renewed vigour.
Vital R5
A product of breakthrough research and state-of-the-art Japanese technology, Vital R5 leads the pack in the fight against aging. It contains Amino Acid Fish Collagen, a potent and highly absorbable source of collagen that replenishes collagen stores which diminish with age.
This “youth elixir” also contains key ingredients that support collagen production, promote healthier joints and cartilage, improve circulation, and reveal radiant younger looking skin.
Hyaluronic Acid – A key component of collagen. It has been called a “space filler” or support scaffolding for living cells because it helps hold cells in place. It is essential in healing wounds, hydrating the skin and addressing wrinkles and other dermatological problems. It also acts as a cushion and lubricant in the joints and connective tissues. It helps keep the cushion between bones (cartilage) from wearing away, thus preventing degenerative joint disease.
Glucosamine – Assists in rebuilding and strengthening cartilage, slows the progression of osteoarthritis, and eases pain particularly in weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, and hands.
Arginine – An amino acid that improves blood flow and circulation by changing into nitric oxide, a chemical that causes blood vessels to relax. Early evidence suggests Arginine may help treat vascular complications like chest pains, clogged arteries, coronary artery disease, heart failure, erectile dysfunction and vascular headaches. It is also associated with rapid wound healing and greater collagen synthesis.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) – An antioxidant noted for its cell protection properties. It is integral in collagen formation. Without Vitamin C, the collagen produced is defective and weak which may lead to bleeding gums, skin discoloration and painful joints. Collagen coupled with Vitamin C is essential for healthy skin, tissues, cartilage, bones and teeth.

The Power of Vital R5

REBUILDS damaged skin, hair, nails and joints.
RESTORES lost collagen, making skin firmer, smoother and lifted.
RENEWS skin’s dewy youthful appearance and helps reduce wrinkles.
REJUVENATES tired aching joints and strengthens ligaments.
REINVIGORATES cell health for more efficient transport of nutrients and better elimination of toxins.
With a daily dose of Vital R5, beauty and vitality will come to you at any age.
Directions: Take atleast a teaspoon of Vital R5 three times daily with coffee, juices or water. Drink lots of liquids for faster dissolution.
There are no known side effects from ingesting collagen. In fact, Japan has been using collagen for 25 years as an anti-aging dietary supplement.
High doses of glucosamine may cause stomach upset, heartburn, indigestion, gas, bloating, and diarrhea, particularly for those with peptic ulcer. Glucosamine should be taken with food to avoid these effects. People with shellfish allergies must consult their healthcare professional before taking glucosamine because it may contain shellfish product. Glucosamine is not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women and diabetics.
Hyaluronic Acid is proven safe when ingested but may cause rashes in rare instances.
Arginine is well tolerated by most people in studies lasting up to six months. Potential side effects include:
* abdominal pain
* bloating
* diarrhea, and
* gout.
It may also aggravate asthma when inhaled. Arginine may interact with certain antihypertensive, cardiac and erectile dysfunction medication.
Now in 100 gram packs.
Posted by illbeyour

It’s hard to combat fine lines and wrinkles when you’re up against sun damage, stress, dry skin and the effects of aging. What you need is a better battle plan that will bring back your skin’s youthful glow.  Take years off your tired skin, aging skin with Vital R5 Collagen Soap.
It has collagen that smoothes wrinkles and erases fine lines by boosting skin elasticity and enhancing skin hydration.  Vitamin C amplifies the beneficial effects of collagen and fights wrinkle-causing free radicals. It also has Vitamin E to moisturize dry and dull skin.
Posted by illbeyour

Experience radiant fairness that will make your skin stand out and shine. Its super whitening complex combines powerful ingredients derma-tested for superb skin lightening. It has glutathione, a master antioxidant that controls melanin production to prevent skin darkening.
Papaya extract gently exfoliates to stimulate skin renewal and safely brighten complexion. Kojic acid lightens and balances skin tone for that natural glow while Vitamin C to boost the whitening process. Vitamin E and bamboo extract to keep skin supple and youthful, and coconut essence softens and locks in moisture all day.
Posted by illbeyour

Rescue your skin from the ravages of pimple marks, age spots, sun damage and other dark blemishes. Vital Clear’s dual depigmenting formula effectively combats skin discoloration by letting lighter, healthier skin rise to the surface. It has papaya extract, a natural skin lightener that safely exfoliates dark problem areas and intensifies skin renewal.
Kojic Acid inhibits melanin production, thus clearing away stubborn dark spots and improving skin tone. It also has collagen, an anti-aging protein that visibly improves skin’s firmness and elasticity, and Vitamin E which nourishes and conditions skins for all day softness.
Posted by illbeyour

Tough on germs yet gentle on the skin, Bio Skin Antibacterial Soap is the safe and effective way to cleanse and protect you and your family’s skin. It is made with natural botanicals most notably Tea Tree Oil, a potent antiseptic that kills pimple-causing bacteria.
It also has akapulko extract which protects against eczema and fungal infection. Guava extract relieves skin irritation as it disinfects and refreshes. Aloe vera keeps skin smooth and soft, and encourages faster healing. With regular use, it can help prevent skin infection and control body odor.
Posted by illbeyour

Rich and creamy Malaysian style Vital Ipoh White Coffee brings good health and beauty in every cup. It contains Fish Collagen for restoring skin’s elasticity and youthful radiance, dietary fiber for better digestion and weight management, Grape Seed Extract, a powerful source of antioxidants that promotes skin, brain and cardiovascular health.
So try our new coffee delight which is rich and creamy as well as healthy. Vital Ipoh White Coffee and look younger, feel lighter, and live healthier.
Posted by illbeyour